Washing machines have made our lives so much easier. However, when it comes to doing laundry, sometimes things can go wrong. One common issue that people face is the build-up of suds in their washer, which can cause damage to the machine and prevent clothes from getting cleaned properly. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of suds in your washer.

Understanding the Causes of Suds

Before we dive in, it’s important to understand what causes suds. Suds occur when there’s too much detergent in the water, or when the detergent doesn’t dissolve properly. High-efficiency washers are particularly susceptible to suds because they use less water than traditional machines.

Signs of Suds in Your Washer

The first step in getting rid of suds is to identify whether or not you have them. Signs of suds in your washer include:

– Clothes that feel slimy or soapy
– Lingering soap smells on clothes or in the machine
– Water that’s cloudy or foamy

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Rid of Suds

Now that you know what causes suds and how to identify them, it’s time to get rid of them! Follow these steps:

Step 1: Pause the Cycle

If you notice suds forming during a wash cycle, the first thing you should do is pause the cycle. This will prevent suds from building up further.

Step 2: Open the Lid

Next, open the lid of the washer to let steam escape. This will help reduce the amount of suds in the machine.

Step 3: Add Vinegar

To get rid of suds, add one cup of white vinegar to the washer. Vinegar is a natural fabric softener and will help break down the suds.

Step 4: Run Additional Rinses

After adding vinegar, run an additional rinse cycle to help get rid of excess detergent. If the suds persist, you may need to run multiple rinse cycles until they dissipate.

Step 5: Use Less Detergent

To prevent suds from forming again, use less detergent in future washes. Make sure you’re using the correct amount of detergent for your machine and the type of load you’re washing.

Tips for Preventing Suds in Your Washer

Prevention is key! Here are some tips for preventing suds from forming in your washer:

– Only use as much detergent as necessary
– Use a high-efficiency detergent if you have a high-efficiency washer
– Don’t overload the machine with clothes
– Run an extra rinse cycle if you’re unsure whether all the detergent has been washed away
– Use a fabric softener instead of extra detergent


Suds in your washer can be frustrating, but with these tips, you can prevent them from happening and get rid of them if they do occur. Remember to use less detergent, add vinegar to your washer, and run additional rinse cycles to combat suds. By following these steps, you can ensure that your clothes come out clean and your washing machine stays in good condition for years to come.


1. How do you know if there are too many suds in your washer?
– Signs of suds in your washer include slimy or soapy clothes, lingering soap smells on clothes or in the machine, and cloudy or foamy water.

2. Do I need to use a high-efficiency detergent with a high-efficiency washer?
– Yes, using a high-efficiency detergent is recommended for high-efficiency washers.

3. How much detergent should I use?
– Use the recommended amount of detergent for your machine and the type of load you’re washing. Using less detergent than recommended can also help prevent suds.

4. Can fabric softener be used instead of detergent?
– No, fabric softener is not a substitute for detergent. It’s used to soften fabric and give it a pleasant scent.

5. Can suds cause damage to my washing machine?
– Yes, suds can cause damage to your washing machine over time by clogging pipes and preventing proper drainage.