As a car owner or enthusiast, nothing is more frustrating than finding out that your cylinders have been washed out. This issue can cause a variety of problems with your engine, including misfires, reduced power, and even complete engine failure. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to fix washed out cylinders and prevent further damage to your engine. In this article, we will guide you through the process of fixing washed out cylinders step by step.

What are Washed Out Cylinders?

Before we dive into how to fix washed out cylinders, it’s important to understand what they are and what causes them. Washed out cylinders occur when fuel or other contaminants wash away the protective oil film that normally coats the cylinder walls. This can happen for several reasons, including:

– Over-Fueling: If too much fuel enters the cylinders, it can wash away the oil film and cause damage to the cylinder walls. This can happen if there is a problem with the fuel injection system or if the driver is heavy on the accelerator.
– Coolant Leaks: If coolant leaks into the cylinders, it can also wash away the oil film and cause damage to the cylinder walls. This can happen if there is a problem with the head gasket or other engine components.
– Improper Engine Break-In: If an engine is not properly broken in, it can cause the cylinder walls to wear down and become susceptible to washing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Washed Out Cylinders

Now that you know what causes washed out cylinders, let’s dive into how to fix them. Here is a step-by-step guide to fixing washed out cylinders:

Step 1: Diagnose the Problem

The first step in fixing washed out cylinders is to diagnose the problem. This can be done by performing a compression test or leak-down test on the engine. These tests will help you determine which cylinders are affected and the extent of the damage.

Step 2: Remove the Spark Plugs

Once you have diagnosed the problem, the next step is to remove the spark plugs. This will allow you to inspect the cylinders and determine the extent of the damage.

Step 3: Clean the Cylinders

After removing the spark plugs, you should use a specialized engine cleaner to clean the cylinders. This will help remove any contaminants that may be stuck to the cylinder walls. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using the cleaner.

Step 4: Inspect the Cylinders

After cleaning the cylinders, you should inspect them for damage. Look for any scratches, dents, or other signs of wear. If the damage is severe, the cylinders may need to be honed or replaced.

Step 5: Replace the Rings

If the rings show signs of wear or damage, you should replace them. This will help ensure that the new oil film is properly maintained.

Step 6: Reassemble the Engine

Once you have replaced the rings and inspected the cylinders, you can reassemble the engine. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when doing so.

Step 7: Change the Oil

Finally, you should change the oil in the engine. This will help ensure that the new oil film is properly maintained and that contaminants are removed from the engine.

Preventing Washed Out Cylinders

Preventing washed out cylinders is always easier than fixing them. Here are some tips to help prevent washed out cylinders:

– Avoid heavy acceleration and racing your engine
– Do not overfill your engine with fuel
– Fix any coolant leaks as soon as you notice them
– Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for engine break-in


If you have washed out cylinders, don’t panic. While it can cause serious damage to your engine if left unchecked, fixing washed out cylinders is possible. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can get your engine back to running smoothly and prevent further damage. Remember to take preventative measures to keep your engine running at its best.


1. What are some signs that my cylinders have been washed out?
– Increased oil consumption
– White or blue smoke coming from the exhaust
– Difficulty starting the engine
– Reduced power

2. Can I fix washed out cylinders myself?
– While it is possible to fix washed out cylinders yourself, it is recommended to have a professional handle the repair to ensure it is done correctly.

3. How long does it take to fix washed out cylinders?
– The length of time it takes to fix washed out cylinders will depend on the extent of the damage and the specific repair methods used.

4. Can I prevent washed out cylinders?
– Yes, you can prevent washed out cylinders by following the preventative measures outlined in this article.

5. How often should I inspect my cylinders?
– It is recommended to have your cylinders inspected every time you have routine maintenance performed on your vehicle, or if you suspect a problem with your engine.