Are you wondering how to clean your beloved APL (Athletic Propulsion Labs) shoes and keep them looking pristine and fresh? APL shoes are trendy, comfortable, and made with high-quality materials, so they deserve proper care and maintenance. In this article, we’ll show you how to wash APL shoes without damaging them and give you some useful tips for keeping them in tip-top shape.

1. Know Your APL Shoes

Before you start cleaning your APL shoes, it’s essential to know their materials, construction, and care instructions. APL shoes are made of various components such as mesh, knit, fabric, leather, suede, and rubber. Some APL shoes have delicate details such as embroidery, metallic accents, and reflective elements that require special care. Check the label or the APL website for specific care instructions and warnings.

2. Prepare The Cleaning Tools and Products

To wash your APL shoes effectively, you’ll need some basic cleaning tools and products. Here are some options:

– Soft-bristled brush or toothbrush
– Microfiber cloth or sponge
– Mild detergent (such as dish soap or laundry detergent)
– Water
– Hydrogen peroxide or baking soda (for tough stains or odors)
– Newspaper or paper towels (to stuff the shoes while drying)

3. Remove The Dirt and Debris

Before washing your APL shoes, you need to remove any loose dirt and debris on them. Use a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush to gently scrub the shoes’ surface and crevices. You can also use a microfiber cloth or sponge to wipe away any stains or marks.

4. Hand Wash The APL Shoes

Most APL shoes are not suitable for the washing machine, so it’s best to hand wash them. Follow these steps:

– Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild detergent.
– Dip a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush into the soapy water and gently scrub the shoes’ surface and interior.
– Rinse the shoes under running water until all the soap residue is gone.
– If the shoes still have stains or odors, you can apply a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1:1 ratio) or baking soda and water (1:1 ratio) on them and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.
– Stuff the shoes with newspaper or paper towels and let them air dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

5. Maintain The APL Shoes

To keep your APL shoes clean and fresh, here are some maintenance tips:

– Avoid wearing your APL shoes in extreme weather conditions or rough terrains that could damage them.
– Brush your APL shoes regularly to remove any dirt or debris that could accumulate over time.
– Use a stain repellent or a waterproof spray on your APL shoes to protect them from stains and water damage.
– Keep your APL shoes in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight, moisture, or humidity.
– Replace the insoles or the laces of your APL shoes periodically to maintain their comfort and support.


Cleaning and washing your APL shoes doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. By following these tips and tricks, you can take care of your APL shoes and prolong their lifespan. Remember, clean shoes not only look better but also feel better. So, show your APL shoes some love and give them the attention they deserve.


1. Can I wash my APL shoes in the washing machine?
Most APL shoes are not machine washable, as they can damage their materials and construction. It’s best to hand wash them with mild detergent and lukewarm water.

2. How often should I wash my APL shoes?
It depends on how often you wear them and in what conditions. If your APL shoes are dirty, smelly, or stained, it’s time to wash them. Otherwise, you can spot clean or brush them regularly.

3. How do I remove tough stains or odors from my APL shoes?
You can use hydrogen peroxide or baking soda mixed with water to make a paste and apply it on the affected area. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with water.

4. Can I use bleach or harsh chemicals to clean my APL shoes?
No. Bleach, harsh chemicals, or abrasive cleaning agents can damage or discolor your APL shoes. Stick to mild detergent and natural remedies.

5. How do I store my APL shoes?
Store your APL shoes in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or moisture. Avoid crushing or bending them and use shoe trees or stuffing paper to maintain their shape.