If you’ve invested in a pair of Ksubi jeans, you want to make sure they last you a long time. But washing them can be tricky, especially if you don’t want to ruin the color or fit. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about washing Ksubi jeans, including tips for preventing fading, shrinking, and fraying.

Before You Wash

Before you throw your Ksubi jeans in the washing machine, there are a few things you need to do first to ensure they come out looking fresh and new.

Check the Care Label

The care label on your Ksubi jeans will tell you how to wash them properly. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your jeans.

Spot Clean Stains

If you have any stains on your Ksubi jeans, try spot cleaning them first to avoid washing the entire garment unnecessarily. Apply a small amount of laundry detergent directly to the stain and scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush.

Turn Inside Out

Turning your Ksubi jeans inside out before washing them can prevent the color from fading and keep the fabric from getting damaged.

How to Wash Ksubi Jeans

Now that you’ve prepped your Ksubi jeans, it’s time to wash them. Follow these steps for best results.

Use Cold Water

Hot water can cause Ksubi jeans to shrink, fade, and lose their shape. Use cold water instead, and avoid using hot or warm water as much as possible.

Gentle Cycle

Set your washing machine to the gentle cycle to avoid damaging the fabric of your Ksubi jeans.

Use Mild Detergent

Ksubi jeans are made from high-quality denim, so you don’t need to use a heavy-duty detergent to clean them. Use a mild detergent, and avoid using bleach or fabric softener.

Avoid Overloading the Washing Machine

Don’t overload the washing machine when washing your Ksubi jeans. Doing so can cause them to rub against each other and fray.

Drying Your Ksubi Jeans

After you’ve washed your Ksubi jeans, it’s important to dry them properly. Here’s how to do it.

Air Dry

Avoid using a dryer to dry your Ksubi jeans. Air drying is the best option to prevent them from shrinking or losing their shape.

Hang or Flat Dry

Hang your Ksubi jeans on a clothesline or lay them flat on a clean towel to dry.

Tips for Caring for Your Ksubi Jeans

Here are some additional tips for caring for your Ksubi jeans:

Wash Less Frequently

Ksubi jeans don’t need to be washed after every wear. Try to wash them less frequently to keep them looking new for longer.

Avoid Ironing

Avoid ironing your Ksubi jeans, as this can cause the fabric to become shiny or even melt.

Store Them Properly

When you’re not wearing your Ksubi jeans, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


Washing your Ksubi jeans doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By following the tips in this guide, you can ensure that they remain in great condition for years to come. Remember to always read the care label, wash them in cold water using gentle detergent, and air dry them.


1. How often should I wash my Ksubi jeans?
– You don’t need to wash your Ksubi jeans after every wear. Try to wash them less frequently to keep them looking new for longer.

2. Can I put my Ksubi jeans in the dryer?
– It’s best to avoid using a dryer to dry your Ksubi jeans. Air drying is the best option to prevent them from shrinking or losing their shape.

3. Can I iron my Ksubi jeans?
– It’s best to avoid ironing your Ksubi jeans, as this can cause the fabric to become shiny or even melt.

4. How should I store my Ksubi jeans?
– Store your Ksubi jeans in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when you’re not wearing them.

5. What kind of detergent should I use to wash my Ksubi jeans?
– Use a mild detergent to wash your Ksubi jeans, and avoid using bleach or fabric softener.