Saranoni blankets are luxurious, soft, and cozy blankets that provide warmth and comfort during the chilly winter nights. These blankets are made from premium-grade fabrics, and with proper care, they can last for years without losing their plushness and softness. However, improper washing can damage the fabric and shorten the lifespan of these blankets. In this article, we will guide you on how to wash Saranoni blankets effectively, so they last longer and retain their comfort and warmth.

1. Read the Care label

Before washing your Saranoni blanket, it’s important to read the care label. The care label provides important information about the fabric, the recommended washing process, and any other special instructions.

2. Spot Clean Stains

If there are any visible stains on the blanket, it’s advisable to spot clean them before washing. Use a clean, damp cloth to dab the stain gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or hot water, as they can damage the fabric.

3. Use a Gentle Detergent

When washing your Saranoni blanket, choose a gentle detergent that’s suitable for delicate fabrics, and avoid using fabric softeners or bleach. Harsh detergents can damage the fibers, cause discoloration, and reduce the softness of the fabric.

4. Wash in Cold Water

Saranoni blankets are best washed in cold water to avoid shrinkage and damage to the fabric. Make sure to set your washing machine to a gentle cycle to prevent the fibers from breaking or matting.

5. Don’t Overload the Washing Machine

Overloading your washing machine can damage the fabric and reduce the effectiveness of the washing process. It’s best to wash your Saranoni blanket separately, or with similar fabrics to avoid tangling and snagging.

6. Avoid Direct Heat

It’s recommended to air dry your Saranoni blanket to prevent damage from direct heat sources, such as a dryer or direct sunlight. Hang the blanket over a clothesline or lay it flat to dry.

7. Gently Stretch the Fabric

Once the blanket is dry, gently stretch the fabric to restore its softness and plushness. You can also use a low-heat setting on your dryer for a few minutes to restore the loftiness of the fabric.

8. Store Properly

When storing your Saranoni blanket, it’s important to fold it neatly to avoid wrinkles or creases. Avoid storing the blanket in damp or humid conditions to prevent the growth of mold or mildew.

Overall, washing a Saranoni blanket requires patience and attention to detail. Following the guidelines mentioned above will help you maintain the softness, plushness, and warmth of your Saranoni blanket for years to come.


Saranoni blankets are beloved by many for their softness, plushness and warmth during the chilly winter nights. With proper care, these blankets can last for years without losing their quality. Following the guidelines mentioned above, including reading the care label, spot cleaning stains, using a gentle detergent, washing in cold water, avoiding direct heat, gently stretching the fabric, and storing properly, is essential to maintain the quality of the blanket and maximize its lifespan.


1. Can I use bleach to clean my Saranoni blanket?
No, bleach can damage the fibers and discolor the fabric of your Saranoni blanket.

2. Can I wash my Saranoni blanket with clothes?
It’s best to wash your Saranoni blanket separately or with similar fabrics to avoid tangling and snagging.

3. Can I dry my Saranoni blanket in a dryer?
It’s recommended to air dry your Saranoni blanket to avoid damage from heat sources.

4. Can I wash my Saranoni blanket in hot water?
No, washing your Saranoni blanket in hot water can cause shrinkage and damage the fabric.

5. Can I store my Saranoni blanket in a plastic bag?
No, storing your Saranoni blanket in a plastic bag can trap moisture and cause mold or mildew growth. Instead, store it in a dry place, folded neatly to avoid wrinkles or creases.